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“In India, I found my calling: to create a very personal line of textiles that combined my African sensibility, my European culture, and my understanding of Indian techniques”

Lisa Corti's universe revolves around the sensorial dimensions of travel, art and markets, combining constant research with the time-tested skill of craftsmanship

Colour has always played a crucial role in this world, with her distinctive palette recalling her African childhood in Eritrea and love for Henri Matisse with saturated tones and unexpected juxtapositions.

To those who ask me about my work, I can tell them about my passion for colour, a love that has distant roots, in my childhood, in the market of Keren, in Eritrea, where I was born. In the streets of Keren there were women dressed in colour, just one colour. They moved in the light as if gliding, mysterious angels, made of cobalt, of pink, of yellow, of green, of purple. I don't know why, but I've always carried them with me. It seems unbelievable, but that cobalt, that pink, in the sun, was for me a fixed point, something alive to draw from.

Block Printing

Most of Lisa Corti's fabrics are hand crafted using the art of "blockprinting" - an ancient woodprint technique that originated in 16th century India.

Dipped in pigment and then pressed onto the fabric, each carved section of a design corresponds to a different colour. Created with incredible patience and skill, patterns form, one colour at a time, making every piece of Lisa Corti fabric a composition of intricately layered tones, in which small imperfections offer a guarantee of uniqueness.

Our Fabrics

Like the colours and scents of a bazaar, Lisa Corti's many fabrics all have their own character: wool, silk, cotton and muslin, but also malmena, mushroo, bandhani, mal mal khadi, chintz and calico. Every pigment expresses itself differently in relation to the fabric that carries it, and each fabric reacts differently to the function for which it has been designed. That is why behind each product there is a long history of research and experimentation. But even in the world of fabrics, there is room for a special love: Lisa's love of organza. She still remembers the vivid tones of the Indian markets in Eritrea and their weightless, ethereal glow in African sunshine.


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